10 years of Fukko Concert

Today is the 10 anniversary of the big catastrophe that hit the Great East Japan in 2011.

Every year on that day from Brussels, our heart goes to the people of Tohoku. We believe the recovery through live music. Unfortunately the concert cannot be held this year. Through this music and memories, we would like to share our deepest thoughts in this challenging time. Big Thanks to our dear audience, sponsors, embassies and all the people who made it possible during this 10 years.

遠く離れたベルギーから 毎年3月11日に祈りを捧げてきました。 音楽を通じた復興への祈りです。 東北の皆さんと心を通わせる 3月の大切な演奏会でした。 そこで、 長い10年という年月を 皆様とご一緒に振り返るため ささやかではありますが 復興コンサートの想い出を 分かち合いたいと思います。

The 9th edition of Fukko Concert was possible thanks to all of you!

As musicians who are now struggling in this difficult time with the unexpected situation, we really appreciated your support and attention for 2020’s edition.

In order to bring you sorrow and hope, we decided to share our concert, the Beethoven Violin Concerto.

Some pictures are also shortly coming.
Stay tuned!

Fukko Concert is back for its 8th edition!

Fukko Concert aims to heal through music and art. Every year, since the catastrophe, we organise a concert to support and help the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Each year, your support brings concrete solutions to people from Tohoku.


See you on the 9/03/2019 at the Concert Noble in Brussels

fukko concert 2019

This year, we are happy to invite great taiko players and classical musicians!

1st prize Queen Elisabeth Violin Competition

1st prize Busoni Piano Competition

2nd prize Queen Elisabeth Cello Competition

Japanese drums

In partnership with EDIFICIO

Fukko Concert 2018 

Thank you for your coming to 2018 edition! See you again in 2019!!!

Fukko Concert is a series of charity concerts for the victims of the Earthquake and Tsunami in Tohoku region of Japan in 2011.

Together with internationally renowned musicians, the Brussels based Japanese violinist Yuzuko Horigome has performed as the leading figure to raise donation to be used for music-related events and replacement of damaged musical instruments in those devastated regions.

After 7 years since the catastrophe, Fukko Concert has become a symbolic event in Brussels to commemorate the tragedy and our solidarity.


Yuzuko Horigome (violin –  First Prize at the 1980 Queen Elisabeth Competition in Brussels)

Antonio Meneses (cello – First Prize at the 1977 ARD International Competition in Munich and Gold Medal at the 1982 Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow.)

Luc Devos (piano -First Prize at the 1983 Chopin-concours in Palma de Mallorca)

Emile Verstraeten & Ivan Smeulders (violin and accordion)

Nicolas Dupont (violin)

Clara Evens (violin)

Ana Julija Mlejnik (violin)

Anastasia Laurent (violin)


TELEMANN -concerto for 4 violins nr 2 in D major (A. Mlejnik, C. Evens, A. Laurent, Y. Horigome )

BACEWICZ -Quartet for 4 violins ( C. Evens, A. Mlejnik, A. Laurent, N. Dupont)

MOZART -From Magic flute , arranged by Hiro Kurosaki. (N. Dupont, A. Laurent, C. Evens, A. Mlejnik)

JAZZ IMPROVISATION (E. Verstraeten & I. Smelders)


TCHAIKOVSKY -Piano trio op.50 (for Memory of great artist) (Y. Horigome, A. Meneses, L. Devos)

on 03/03/2018 (SAT) at CONCERT NOBLE, Rue d’Arlon 82, 1000 Bruxelles.

Nearest PARKING: https://www.neoparking.com/bruxelles/detail-parking-industrie-interparking-m-c20982-ppd/


堀米ゆず子は、被災地支援を続けます! 2018年の復興コンサートは3月3日(土曜)に開催いたします。会場はコンサート・ノーブル。



「4つのヴァイオリンのためのコンチェルト 第2番 ニ長調」(A. Mlejnik, C. Evens, A. Laurent, Y. Horigome )

バツェヴィチ作曲「4つのヴァイオリンのためのカルテット」 ( C. Evens, A. Mlejnik, A. Laurent, N. Dupont)

モーツァルト作曲、ヒロ・クロサキ編曲「魔笛」から (N. Dupont, A. Laurent, C. Evens, A. Mlejnik)

ジャズ即興 (E. Verstraeten & I. Smelders)


チャイコフスキー作曲「ピアノ三重奏曲イ短調作品50 偉大な芸術家の思い出に」(Y. Horigome, A. Meneses, L. Devos)

場所:コンサート・ノーブル Rue d’Arlon 82, 1000 Bruxelles

Follow and like us on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/fukkoconcert/

and Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/fukkoconcert/

Photos 2018 by Te-Pei Lin